Sunday, March 21, 2010

The quickest baked potato EVER

I don't remember how or why I realized this, but you can make a baked potato in less than 3 minutes, in the microwave.

I used to buy sacks of potatos because they are so cheap, but they kept going bad or shriveling up because I wouldn't cook 'em up soon enough. No more!

It's a great time saver for cooking too, as potatos sometimes take a long time to cook or will not cook evenly. Crunchy raw potato is always a bummer.

All you need is a potato, a paper towel and a plastic bag.

Wrap the potato in the paper towel then put in a plastic bag, remove all the air and knot close to the potato, like in the pic. Microwave 2 minutes and 30 seconds and presto! (NOTE: Bag might pop in the microwave. Hot potato, handle with care. Caution with escaping steam.)

I topped mine with a vegan queso I had leftover and Sriracha, of course.

This was a lifesaver today. Woke up late for work, so I just threw a raw potato in my bag!


  1. !ow! Impressed. Will test this out myself tomorrow with my rotund sweet potato.
